sábado, 20 de abril de 2013

 Ltiterature Circles

After learning some about literature circles models, in this page: http://www.lauracandler.com/strategies/litcirclemodels.php, I founded a few types, but I made mi own, I hope you enjoy it.

In my course book, which is  for young teenage learners, there is a unit named " A wide world" it talks about triping, food, places and people, whit this unit Iwould like implement Literature cirles.

1)      After  finish  this unit the teacher has to form groups of 4 or 5 students which will read, a tourist guide about some country, city o an especial place, they can do this as a homework or in class.
2)      Then they have to discuss the information and vocabulary doubts, in teams.
3)      The next is creating a poster ,in teams,  whit all the information given, as a way to advertising the place; it can be whit pictures, draws, etc.
4)      Finally they have to  show the poster explaining it , maybe all the class can choose the best or not.

1 comentario:

  1. Erandi,
    Another alternative might be to have them create an itinerary of their trip. Great work.
