martes, 23 de abril de 2013



Now is time to talk about rubric, because is hard to find a corect way to score the students, I made the next rubric to socore a timework wich is create a video describing and telling about some famuos people.

    Video- Preproduction : describing celebrities

    Teacher Name: Ms. Violeta

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

Team has a clear picture of what they are trying to achieve. Each member can describe what they are trying to do and generally how his/her work will contribute to the final product.
Team has a fairly clear picture of what they are trying to achieve. Each member can describe what they are trying to do overall but has trouble describing how his/her work will contribute to the final product.
Team has brainstormed their concept, but no clear focus has emerged for the team. Team members may describe the goals/final product differently.
Team has spent little effort on brainstorming and refining a concept. Team members are unclear on the goals and how their contriubtions will help them reach the goal.
Use of the vocabulary of the unit
Corect apply of the words
corect pronunciation
Note cards indicate that the group members developed questions about the assigned topic, consulted at least 3 reference sources, developed a position based on their sources, and correctly cited their sources.
Note cards indicate that the group members consulted at least 3 reference sources, developed a position based on their sources, and correctly cited their sources.
Note cards indicate that the group members consulted at least 2 reference sources, developed a position based on their sources, and correctly cited their sources.
There are fewer than two notecards OR sources are incorrectly cited.
Students meet and discuss regularly. All students contribute to the discussion and all are listened to respectfully. All team members contribute a fair share of the work.
Students meet and discuss regularly. Most students contribute to the discussion and are listened to respectfully. All team members contribute a fair share of the work.
A couple of team meetings are held. Most students contribute to the discussion and are listened to respectfully. All team members contribute a fair share of the work.
Meetings are not held AND/OR some team members do not contribute a fair share of the work.


Tools exploration

Actually are many tools on internet to help people in his learning of any langage, since y stated this course I have been founding some, theres is on of them: Voicethread, whit it students can record they voices as a coments, opinions or werever they want share whit the world.  I choose this apply Voki :, for listening clikc here  .

sábado, 20 de abril de 2013

Some Grapic organizers

Graphic Organizers are a great tool for students and teacher, this way they can have the esencial information about any topyc.  I founded this ones, hope they help us in your studies.


 Ltiterature Circles

After learning some about literature circles models, in this page:, I founded a few types, but I made mi own, I hope you enjoy it.

In my course book, which is  for young teenage learners, there is a unit named " A wide world" it talks about triping, food, places and people, whit this unit Iwould like implement Literature cirles.

1)      After  finish  this unit the teacher has to form groups of 4 or 5 students which will read, a tourist guide about some country, city o an especial place, they can do this as a homework or in class.
2)      Then they have to discuss the information and vocabulary doubts, in teams.
3)      The next is creating a poster ,in teams,  whit all the information given, as a way to advertising the place; it can be whit pictures, draws, etc.
4)      Finally they have to  show the poster explaining it , maybe all the class can choose the best or not.